
Publié le par Walter Schellenberg, Louis Hagen

LabyrinthThis unique account of Hitler’s corrupt regime illuminates more vividly than any other the deepening atmosphere of terror and unreality in which the Nazi leadership lived as the war progressed.

Schellenberg recounts with firsthand knowledge the motivations and machinations surrounding the Nazi Army’s every move in Poland, Austria, and Russia.

But this remarkable inside account is perhaps most memorable for its riveting portraits of Reinhard Heydrich, Heinrich Himmler, Heinrich Mueller, Ernst Kaltenbrunner—men whom Schellenberg calls, with stunning lack of irony, ”Hitler’s willing executioners.”

Fiche Technique

  • Author :  Walter Schellenberg, Louis Hagen (Translator)
  • ISBN-13 : 9780306809279
  • Publisher : Da Capo Press
  • Publication date : 28/02/2000

Meet the Author

Walter Schellenberg was sentenced in 1949 to six years’ imprisonment by an American military tribunal, but was soon released because of ill health. He died in 1952.


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