The Assassination of Heydrich

Publié le par Jan G. Wiener

A short, direct record of the elimination of the ""Reichsprotector"" based on eye-witness accounts as well as the author's own private line to the Czechoslovak Intelligence since he served as interpreter to one of the organizers of the assassination. It was however carried out by British-based paratroopers Jan Kubish and Josef Gabchik who flew in to the ""high priority"" trouble zone to which Hitler's hangman had been assigned. 

The actual incident (the gun that didn't go off--the bomb that did) is quite a scene followed by the ramifying reprisals against the patriots, hidden in a church crypt, and of course the wholesale terror of Lidice.  Framing the episode in alternating insets is Wiener's own story--his father's suicide, the death of his mother in a concentration camp, his escape to Italy and arrest and internment there. Since all of the material here has been recorded by the author for the Columbia Oral History Text series, there can be little doubt of its authenticity and it reads with firm control and compression.

The Assassination of Heydrich de Jan G Wiener
The Assassination of Heydrich de Jan G Wiener

The Assassination of Heydrich de Jan G Wiener

Fiche Technique

  • Title : The Assassination of Heydrich
  • Author : Jan. G. Wiener
  • Pub Date : 29/10/1969
  • Publisher : Grossman
  • ISBN-10 : 1617203726
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1617203725

Publié dans Bibliothèque

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