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Revue de presse de l'Histoire - La Seconde guerre mondiale le cinéma les acteurs et les actrices de l'époque - les périodes de conflits mondiales viètnamm corée indochine algérie, journalistes, et acteurs des médias


Sombres bourreaux

Sombres bourreaux

En 1944, au plus fort de la guerre, un volontaire français de l'armée allemande étonne ses supérieurs. Il veut intégrer la Waffen SS, le corps d'élite hitlérien. Seul problème: l'homme n'est ni aryen, ni même blanc, mais guadeloupéen et surtout noir....

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Rosa Luxembourg

Rosa Luxembourg

Militante de l'aile gauche de la social-démocratie allemande, antimilitariste convaincue et farouchement internationaliste, cette Juive polonaise, devenue allemande, fonde avec Karl Liebknecht le groupe " Spartakus ". Elle dénonce les nationalismes et...

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Charles le Catholique

Charles le Catholique

Issu d'une famille profondément chrétienne, élevé dans le strict respect des valeurs catholiques, Charles de Gaulle a intiment associé toute sa vie son patriotisme et sa foi. Son éducation et ses engagements au service de l'Église marquèrent ses années...

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Nazi Princess

Nazi Princess

The full story of the woman of Jewish descent who spied for Hitler among British high society, persuaded the Daily Mail to support the Nazis, and was awarded the Gold Cross of the Nazi Party. Stefanie von Hohenlohe was born to a middle-class Viennese...

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Inferno - The World at War, 1939-1945

Inferno - The World at War, 1939-1945

A World War II history by Hastings (Winston’s War: Churchill, 1940–1945, 2010, etc.) may seem like a tautology, but readers familiar with his previous books will expect an enthralling account of his favorite subject. They will not be disappointed. This...

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Les chantiers de jeunesse ; avoir 20 ans sous Pétain

Les chantiers de jeunesse ; avoir 20 ans sous Pétain

De la défaite militaire française, nait l´institution particulière des chantiers de jeunesse. Pendant l´été 1940, ils sont créés pour tous les jeunes hommes de 20 ans résidant en zone Sud et ils fonctionnent jusqu´à l´été 1944 sur le territoire national...

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The SS Dirlewanger Brigade

The SS Dirlewanger Brigade

The Dirlewanger Brigade was an anti-partisan unit of the Nazi army, reporting directly to Heinrich Himmler. The members of the brigade were released prisoners—including men who had been convicted of burglary, assault, murder, and rape—who were believed...

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The Russian Origins of the First World War

The Russian Origins of the First World War

The catastrophe of the First World War, and the destruction, revolution, and enduring hostilities it wrought, make the issue of its origins a perennial puzzle. Since World War II, Germany has been viewed as the primary culprit. Now, in a major reinterpretation...

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Lisbon - War in the Shadows of the City of Light, 1939-45

Lisbon - War in the Shadows of the City of Light, 1939-45

An engaging account of the city of Lisbon during World War II, as dictator António de Oliveira Salazar navigated treacherous diplomatic waters in order to ensure the neutrality of Portugal. Middle East expert Lochery (Loaded Dice: The Foreign Office and...

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Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK

Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK

The last word on the JFK assassination by the New York Times bestselling author and JFK historian! Mark Lane tried the only U.S. court case in which the jurors concluded that the CIA plotted the murder of President Kennedy, but there was always a missing...

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Kiev 1941: Hitler's Battle for Supremacy in the East

Kiev 1941: Hitler's Battle for Supremacy in the East

In just four weeks in the summer of 1941 the German Wehrmacht wrought unprecedented destruction on four Soviet armies, conquering central Ukraine and killing or capturing three quarters of a million men. This was the Battle of Kiev – one of the largest...

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Die Freiwilligen der Waffen - SS Idee und Opfergang

Die Freiwilligen der Waffen - SS Idee und Opfergang

Felix Steiner was a German Reichswehr and Waffen-SS officer who served in both World War I and World War II. On 1 December 1940, SS-Brigadeführer Felix Steiner was appointed to command the new Wiking Division of the Waffen-SS. This unit was mainly manned...

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Hammerstein ou l’intransigeance

Hammerstein ou l’intransigeance

La peur n’est pas une vision du monde ». C’est par ces mots qu’en 1933, Kurt von Hammerstein, chef d’état-major général de la Reichswehr, résolut de tourner le dos à l’Allemagne nouvelle, et à Hitler devenu chancelier. Issu d’une très ancienne lignée...

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A Photographic History of Marilyn Monroe

A Photographic History of Marilyn Monroe

Revisit the beauty, style, and charm of one of the most-loved movie stars of the 20th century with this beautiful illustrated history of Marilyn Monroe. Featuring crisp black and white photography with informative text that takes you through Marilyn's...

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Eva Braun: Life with Hitler

Eva Braun: Life with Hitler

In this groundbreaking biography of Eva Braun, German historian Heike B. Görtemaker delves into the startlingly neglected historical truth about Adolf Hitler’s mistress. More than just the vapid blonde of popular cliché, Eva Braun was a capricious but...

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Mémoires de guerre

Mémoires de guerre

Les Mémoires de guerre de Winston Churchill sont à la fois une grande oeuvre littéraire, un témoignage de première main par l’un des trois grands protagonistes de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, une reconstitution unique de cette guerre sur tous les fronts...

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Les espions français parlent - Archives et témoignages inédits des services secrets français

Les espions français parlent - Archives et témoignages inédits des services secrets français

D'anciens agents de terrain et responsables des services secrets (DST, RG, DGSE, etc) sortent de l'ombre pour raconter les réalités de l'espionnage et du contre-espionnage à la française, avec en contrepoint des archives inédites permettant d'accéder...

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Hitler - Beyond Evil and Tyranny

Hitler - Beyond Evil and Tyranny

In the guise of a scholarly screed, former Marine Corps Reserve Stolfi (German Panzers on the Offensive Russian Front, 2003, etc.) makes an incredible—and entirely failed—attempt to rehabilitate the most reviled figure of modern history. The author strongly...

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Eva Braun Life with Hitler

Eva Braun Life with Hitler

In this groundbreaking biography of Eva Braun, German historian Heike B. Görtemaker delves into the startlingly neglected historical truth about Adolf Hitler’s mistress. More than just the vapid blonde of popular cliché, Eva Braun was a capricious but...

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Sharon The Life of a Leader

Sharon The Life of a Leader

From his youth as a soldier to his service in government, Ariel Sharon has personified Israel’s drive for security. His leadership during the Six-Day and Yom Kippur wars made him a national hero and propelled him into politics. His commitment to protect...

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Je ne sais pas dire non !

Je ne sais pas dire non !

Pour ses quatre-vingt-neuf ans, Michel Galabru nous invite au théâtre de sa vie et de sa verve, avec une finesse d'observation douce-amère qui n'empêche pas les éclats de rire. Les gags de son enfance de cancre, la magie et aussi les intrigues de la Comédie-Française...

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François-Ferdinand d'Autriche

François-Ferdinand d'Autriche

Sarajevo, 28 juin 1914. Alors que l'archiduc François-Ferdinand d'Autriche, neveu de François-Joseph et héritier du trône, traverse la ville, il est abattu à coups de pistolet ainsi que son épouse, Sophie Chotek, duchesse de Hohenberg. L'Autriche, suspectant...

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Hitler's Masterplan

Hitler's Masterplan

How would Europe have looked if Nazi Germany had been victorious in World War II? Between 1933 and 1945, Hitler developed a vision for an infrastructure, architecture, race, labor force and Lebensraum - the acquiring of 'living space' - among many other...

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The Flamboya Tree

The Flamboya Tree

“The Flamboya Tree is a fascinating story that will leave the reader informed about a missing piece of the World War II experience, and in awe of one family’s survival.” —Elizabeth M. Norman, author of We Band of Angels: The Untold Story of American Nurses...

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The Wehrmacht

The Wehrmacht

The Wehrmacht (meaning 'defensive might') encompassed the entire German armed forces during World War II. Rising from the ashes of the post-World War I Reichswehr in 1935, the Wehrmacht became one of the cornerstones of Hitler's re-assertion of German...

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Spencer Tracy - A Life

Spencer Tracy - A Life

Spencer Tracy (1900–1967), warts and all. Acclaimed biographer Curtis (W.C. Fields, 2003, etc.) presents an exhaustive and exhausting biography of the legendary Hollywood star, famed for his uncanny naturalism and authority on camera and best remembered...

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Fidel Castro is Dead

Fidel Castro is Dead

A sprawling debut novel with a romance at its heart begins in Guyana before traveling to the United States, Thailand and Canada. In June 1975, teenage Abhi and his parents, recent immigrants to the United States, leave their home in New York City and...

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Mary Pickford

Mary Pickford

Mary Pickford's ambition, passion, innate talent, and savvy business acumen sent her career into the stratosphere and set the blueprint for the modern movie star. Born Gladys Louise Smith in 1892, Pickford was raised in a house on University Avenue in...

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Confessions Of The Old Wizard

Confessions Of The Old Wizard

An entirely fascinating historical account from the former Reichbank president, during periods of extreme national crisis. Dr. Schact's amazing successes are now a 'classroom example' in methods of managing a national economy, worldwide. Even the family...

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Leon Trotsky A Revolutionary's Life

Leon Trotsky A Revolutionary's Life

Born Lev Davidovich Bronstein in southern Ukraine, Trotsky was both a world-class intellectual and a man capable of the most narrow-minded ideological dogmatism. He was an effective military strategist and an adept diplomat, who staked the fate of the...

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