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Georges Mandel

Georges Mandel

Georges Mandel

Il est entré dans la vie publique à dix-sept ans comme journaliste aux côtés de Clemenceau, en pleine affaire Dreyfus. Il fut un des ministres les plus redoutés de la IIIe République. Emprisonné sur ordre de Vichy, déporté à Buchenwald puis ramené en...

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Andre tardieu le mirobolant

Andre tardieu le mirobolant

Andre tardieu le mirobolant

Né à Paris en 1876, "professionnel" des succès scolaires et universitaires (reçu premier à Normale supérieur à dix-neuf ans), brillant chroniqueur diplomate, député en 1914, haut-commissaire aux affaires de guerre franco-américaines en 1917, André Tardieu...

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Drancy - Un camp très ordinaire

Drancy - Un camp très ordinaire

Drancy - Un camp très ordinaire

Contrairement à une légende tenace, Drancy ne fut pas qu'un simple camp de transit. À seulement quelques kilomètres de Paris, on entrait dans la mort. La violence et les souffrances physiques infligées aux déportés montrent à quel point Drancy était bien...

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Les barons Empain

Les barons Empain

Les barons Empain

C'est l'histoire vraie de six barons Empain. Le premier est un personnage magnifique. Homme d'affaires carnassier, innovateur, empirique et visionnaire, il édifie une immense fortune dans le monde entier, invente une ville en Egypte, s'approprie le Métro...

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Death Dealer

Death Dealer

Death Dealer

SS Kommandant Rudolph Höss (1900-1947) was history's greatest mass murderer, personally supervising the extermination of approximately two million people, mostly Jews, at the death camp in Auschwitz, Poland. Death Dealer is a new, unexpurgated translation...

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A demain de Gaulle

A demain de Gaulle

A demain de Gaulle

Qu'est-ce qu'un grand homme ? On n'y répondra pas sans rompre le pieux consensus qui salue dans le héros du 18 juin la voix plus que le texte, la grandeur plus que la pertinence, le panache du rebelle plutôt que la sagesse de celui qui avait prévu et...

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Jean Monnet

Jean Monnet

Jean Monnet

Pour John Kennedy, il était "l'homme d'Etat du monde": de Gaulle voyait en lui l' "inspirateur" du processus d'intégration européenne; selon Henry Kissinger, personne n'a plus fortement marqué notre temps. La personnalité comme le rôle exact de l'un des...

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Simone Signoret

Simone Signoret

Simone Signoret

En octobre 1995, il y aura dix ans que Simone Signoret est morte. Jean-François Josselin fut un de ses plus proches confidents. Il vécut les dernières années de Simone en témoin affectueux et privilégié, d'où ce livre - ni biographie, ni recueil de souvenirs,...

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Patton - A Genius for War

Patton - A Genius for War

Patton - A Genius for War

Legendary for his tactical speed in war, General George S. Patton (18851945) was also notable for drama and style. Unfortunately, this plodding biography is not. The historic image of Patton has been indelibly molded by George C. Scott's 1970 film performance:...

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Auschwitz - A Doctor's Story

Auschwitz - A Doctor's Story

Auschwitz - A Doctor's Story

A taut, terse Holocaust narrative that is all the more powerful for its ironic reserve. Adelsberger (1895-1971), a noted German-Jewish immunologist, spent her internment in Auschwitz as a physician in the Gypsy camp (until its liquidation in July 1944)...

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Les patrons sous l'occupation

Les patrons sous l'occupation

Les patrons sous l'occupation

Tout dirigeant d'une société importante, entre 1940 et 1944, était-il «condamné» à travailler pour l'Allemagne ? Pouvait-on rester patron et devenir résistant ? Comment s'est déroulée l'aryanisation des entreprises juives et quelles ont été les responsabilités...

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L'opinion Allemande sous le Nazisme

L'opinion Allemande sous le Nazisme

L'opinion Allemande sous le Nazisme

En bref La réédition d'un grand classique de Ian Kershaw. Une plongée saisissante dans le quotidien de l'Allemagne nazie et des persécutions antisémites. Le livre Voici enfin rééditée l'étude fondamentale qui a révolutionné notre connaissance de l'opinion...

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The young Churchill

The young Churchill

The young Churchill

In a narrative based primarily on the personal correspondence of the youthful Winston Churchill, his family, and other contemporaries, interspersed with the mature Churchill's poignant reminiscences, his granddaughter provides a rare and moving look at...

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Vichy France and the Jews

Vichy France and the Jews

Vichy France and the Jews

“This superb and definitive description of Vichy’s policy . . . has two conspicuous merits. It pulverizes the defense of those apologists of Vichy who claim that Pétain or Laval weren’t as bad as all that. It also allows the historical debate to shift...

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Oskar Schindler and His List

Oskar Schindler and His List

Oskar Schindler and His List

Schindler's List, the movie based on the nonfiction novel based on the life of the German businessman who saved scores of Jews from the Holocaust, has become a beginning study "text" for individuals and school, college, and independent learning classes...

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Procureur à Nuremberg

Procureur à Nuremberg

Procureur à Nuremberg

Telford Taylor est colonel de l’armée américaine, spécialiste des services de renseignements lorsqu’il intègre, au printemps 1945, l’équipe de juristes américains chargée de l’accusation au procès Nuremberg. Dans Procureur à Nuremberg, il livre son témoignage...

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The origins of Nazi genocide

The origins of Nazi genocide

The origins of Nazi genocide

An exhaustively researched account of the ``opening act of Nazi genocide'': the murder of approximately 70,000 physically and mentally handicapped German citizens. Friedlander (History/Brooklyn College; coeditor of the 26- volume Archives of the Holocaust...

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John Wayne: American

John Wayne: American

John Wayne: American

No American has been more identified with his country than John Wayne. For millions of people from the heartland to the furthest corners of the earth, he simply is America. Wayne virtually defined the role of the cowboy and the soldier, unswervingly playing...

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Albert Speer: His battle with truth

Albert Speer: His battle with truth

Albert Speer: His battle with truth

A monumental attempt to pierce the facade of lies, deceit, evasions, and half-truths erected by Hitler's favorite architect and minister of armaments and war production in the Third Reich. Sereny (The Invisible Children, 1985, etc.) here continues a project...

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Nuremberg Infamy on Trial

Nuremberg Infamy on Trial

Nuremberg Infamy on Trial

The Nuremburg trials remain, after nearly a half a century, the benchmark for judging international crimes. Using new sources—ground-breaking research in the papers of the Nuremburg prison psychiatrist and commandant, the letters and journals of the prisoners,...

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Nuremberg Diary

Nuremberg Diary

Nuremberg Diary

In August 1945 Great Britain, France, the USSR, and the United States established a tribunal at Nuremberg to try military and civilian leaders of the Nazi regime. G. M. Gilbert, the prison psychologist, had an unrivaled firsthand opportunity to watch...

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Escape from Sobibor

Escape from Sobibor

Escape from Sobibor

Poignant in its honesty and grim in its details, Escape from Sobibor offers stunning proof of resistance - in this case successful - by victims of the Holocaust. The smallest of the extermination camps operated by Nazi Germany during World War II, Sobibor...

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War As I Knew It

War As I Knew It

War As I Knew It

The personal and candid account of General Patton's celebrated, relentless crusade across western Europe during World War II. First published in 1947, War as I Knew It is an absorbing narrative that draws from Patton's vivid memories of battle and his...

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The Enforcer

The Enforcer

The Enforcer

Bugsy Siegel built Las Vegas, but it was Tony "The Ant" Spilotro who ran the show. Now William F. Roemer, Jr., veteran FBI agent and scourge of the Cosa Nostra, tells the shocking story of how a teenage wiseguy grew up to become "the man" in Vegas. From...

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Hitler and the Occult

Hitler and the Occult

Hitler and the Occult

Journalist Ken Anderson analyzes claims made by historian Trevor Ravenscroft and others that the Holy Lance, which is said to have pierced the side of Jesus Christ, took center stage in Hitler's life and was the focal point of Hitler's ambitions to conquer...

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