The SS Totenkopf Ring: Himmler's SS Honor Ring in Detail

Publié le par Craig Gottlieb

The SS Totenkopf RingUsing modern tools not available to previous authors on this subject, Craig Gottlieb paints a comprehensive picture of the Totenkopf Ring and the man who was behind it - Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler. Gottlieb draws on a body of over 200 examples to document currently believed notions about the ring. He offers never before seen photos and documents, and even develops many new well-reasoned theories about the Totenkopf (Death Head) ring.

The book also covers the pre-history of the Totenkopf ring, placing its appearance onto the “SS Scene” in historical context. Also covered are design background, construction techniques, and an in-depth analysis of the physical characteristics of rings. Gottlieb also includes sections on award documents and frames, ring shipping boxes, and provides many never-before-seen photographs of rings in wear. Finally, he brings rings to life with an extensive “personality profile” chapter in which he illustrates several famous rings.

Publisher : Schiffer Publishing Ltd; UNKNOWN
Published : 01/10/2008
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 0764330942
ISBN-13 : 978-0764330940
Author : Craig Gottlieb

Publié dans Bibliothèque

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