The Nuremberg Trials

Publié le par Paul Roland

The Nuremberg Trials were the most important criminal proceedings ever held. They established the principle that individuals will always be held responsible for their actions under international law, and brought closure to World War II, allowing the reconstruction of Europe to begin. Paul Roland is the author of more than thirty books, including Reincarnation, Hauntings, Crime Scenes, The Nuremberg Trials, and The Dark History of the Occult.

The Nuremberg Trials by Paul Roland
The Nuremberg Trials by Paul Roland

The Nuremberg Trials by Paul Roland

Fiche Technique

  • Title : The Nuremberg Trials
  • Author : Paul Roland
  • ISBN-13 : 9781848588400
  • Publisher : Arcturus Publishing Limited
  • Publication date : 01/09/2012

Meet the Author

Paul Roland is the author of more than 30 books, including Reincarnation, Hauntings, Crime Scenes, The Nuremberg Trials and The Dark History of the Occult.

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