The Arms of Krupp

Publié le par William Manchester

The Arms of KruppAn this narrative of extraordinary richness, depth, and authority, America's preeminent biographer/historian explores the German national character as no other writer has done. The Arms of Krupp brings to life Europe's wealthiest, most powerful family, a four-hundred-year German dynasty that developed the world's most technologically advanced weapons, from cannons to submarines to anti-aircraft guns; provided arms to generations of German leaders, including the Kaiser and Hitler; operated private concentration camps during the Nazi era; survived conviction at Nuremberg; and wielded enormous influence on the course of world events. William Manchester's galvanizing account of the rise and fall of the Krupp dynasty is history as it should be written -- alive with all its terrifying power.

ISBN-13: 9780316529402
Author: William Manchester
Publisher: Little, Brown & Company
Publication date: 04/03/2003

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