The Nuremberg Trials : (November 1945 - October 1946)
Charter of the International Military Tribunal
Trial Defendants & Verdicts
Justice Jackson's Report to President Truman on Atrocities and War Crimes
Trial Proceedings
Charges Against Hans Munch
Final Report, Appendix G
Final Report, Appendix L
Engineer Kurt Prufer on Crematorium Design
Engineer Fritz Sander on Crematorium Design
Engineer Karl Schultze on Crematorium Design
Dr. Hans Münch at Nuremberg
Testimony on Auschwitz
Testimony of Albert Speer
The Aggression Against Poland
The Aggression Against Yugoslavakia and Greece
The Aggressive War Against the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
The Invasion of Austria
The Invasion of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxemburg
The Invasion of Denmark and Norway
The Siezure of Czechoslovakia
War Against the United States