Burt Lancaster: The Terrible Tempered Charmer

Publié le par Michael Munn

Burt Lancaster: The Terrible Tempered CharmerIn this enthralling biography, Michael Munn tells the full story of this Hollywood legend--a man so fit he performed most of his own stunts, yet whose life-long habit of chain smoking led to heart disease and a succession of crippling and ultimately fatal strokes.

The indefatigable Michael Munn (Stars at War, etc.) returns with another Hollywood book: Burt Lancaster: The Terrible-Tempered Charmer. Like much other Munn, this book, based on interviews with Lancaster's costars and colleagues, first appeared in Great Britain. Photos.

ISBN-13 : 9780860519706
Publisher : Robson Books, Limited
Publication date : 28/08/1997
Author : Michael Munn

Publié dans Bibliothèque

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