Flight From Reality

Publié le par David Stafford

Flight From RealityThe definitive account of a bizarre and mysterious chapter in the history of the Second World War. May 10, 1941. A Scottish ploughman spotted a parachutist floating to the ground on a field just a dozen miles south of Glasgow. He ran out to find a burning twin-engine Messerschmitt bomber and an injured officer in the uniform of a German Air Force Captain. The aviator asked to be taken to see the Duke of Hamilton for whom, he claimed, he was carrying an important message.

The man was none other than Rudolf Hess, Deputy Fuhrer and right-hand man of Adolf Hitler. Hess had not come as Hitler’s emissary but was acting alone in seeking to negotiate a peace deal between Britain and Germany. Held as a prisoner of war and convicted as a war criminal at Nuremberg. Hess spent the rest of his life in a high-security prison in Berlin-Spandau where he committed suicide in 1987, aged 93.

 ISBN-13 : 9780712680257
Publisher : Random House UK
Publication date : 25/06/2002
Author : David Stafford

Meet the Author

David Stafford is the author of Roosevelt and Churchill; Churchill and Secret Service; and Britain and European Resistance.

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