Himmler's Cavalry The Equestrian SS, 1930-1945

Publié le par Paul J. Wilson

Himmler's Cavalry The Equestrian SS, 1930-1945Using archives and contemporary printed documents, as well as secondary sources, Wilson (modern European history, Nicholls State U., Thibodaux, Louisiana) recreates the story of Himmler's cavalry, how it was developed in part to increase rural involvement in the SS, the corps' organization<-->including short biographies of various members; its activities before and during the war; its often inept leadership; and the terrible role it played in the killing of Jews in Eastern Europe.

ISBN-13: 9780764311123
Author : Paul J. Wilson
Publisher: Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.
Publication date: 08/28/2000

Publié dans Bibliothèque

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