Hitler's Last Courier

Publié le par Armin Dieter Lehmann - Tony Le Tissier - Francis H. Goranin

Hitler's Last CourierVictory of the Allies was no longer in doubt. Russian forces had reached Berlin. Yet, Hitler ordered his troops to keep on fighting. Among the last who defended his headquarters, an underground bunker in the Reich Chancellery garden, were boy soldiers, 13 to 17 years old, members of the Hitler Youth Volkssturm (home defence force). The dictator had reached the point where he wanted the earth scorched. Facing total defeat, he now was willing to sacrifice everything and everybody, including the German people, even the youngest. Lehmann was a witness to what happened in the Fuehrerbunker. He was the runner who carried some of the last orders issued by the dictator, right up to his suicide. Many details as described in this book have never before been disclosed. This is a gripping story of survival - and later of redemption - a story of endurance amidst the horrors and brutalities, a first-hand historical account, already highly acclaimed by leading historians.

Author Biography: Born in Germany, Armin Lehmann was 4 years old when Hitler assumed power. Completely indoctrinated and brainwashed by Naziism, Lehmann - hailed as a hero of the home defence force - became the last runner from the radio room below the Party Chancellery and Hitler's hidden underground bunker across Wilhelmstrasse. As seen with the eyes and mind of a 16-year old. Lehmann describes compellingly the grim truths which let to Hitler's suicide - and thereafter to the author's redemption. Armin D. Lehmann, inn his adult life became an active and outspoken pacifist and peacemaker. He explored the world and, professionally, held leading positions in the travel and tourism industry, promoting world peace everywhere and in every way possible.

 ISBN-13 : 9780738831213
Publisher : Xlibris Corporation
Publication date : 28/01/2001
Author :  Armin Dieter Lehmann, Tony Le Tissier (Preface by), Francis H. Goranin (Foreword by)

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