World War II Spies

Publié le par Sean Stewart Price

World War II SpiesAs World War II erupted in 1939, all eyes focused on the front lines. But behind the scenes, spies had a huge impact. Learn the secrets of World War II's most influential spies and how their undercover work affected major events of the war.

Author : Sean Stewart Price
ISBN-13: 9781476501222
Publisher: Capstone Press
Publication date: 07/01/2013

bookEditorial Reviews

Children's Literature - Greg M. Romaneck

The Second World War was fought on many fronts encompassing virtually the entire world. One important but little known theater of operations in the war was that of espionage. All of the major combatants in World War II had intelligence agencies that used field operatives to gather vital information. In some cases those agents were highly successful in capturing secret information, communicating it back to their handlers, and then living to see the results of their efforts. In other instances, spies were captured, tortured, and executed with little to no effect on the course of the war. It is the stories of a select group of World War II spies that writer Sean Stewart Price presents in this illustrated publication. In telling the stories of these shadow warriors, Price does a first rate job of both detailing the efforts of the selected spies as well as describing them in ways that bring them to life.

For example, Josephine Baker was a famous singer and nightclub performer who emigrated from the United States to France due to prejudice aimed at African Americans in her homeland. Josephine Baker was also a spy who gathered information from her contact with German officers who took in her show in Paris. At great risk to herself and her family, Josephine Baker smuggled intelligence information out of France thereby making her contribution to the Allied war effort. It is stories such as this one that make World War II Spies an informative and interesting read. Reviewer: Greg M. Romaneck.

bookMeet the Author

Sean Stewart Price has written more than 50 books for children and teenagers, and his biography "Front Page Lives: Benazir Bhutto" garnered a starred review from Booklist. He has edited nine books for teachers and contributed to numerous text books and reference works. A former managing editor of "Junior Scholastic" magazine in New York, Price has written articles for publications such as "National Geographic Kids" and "The New York Times Upfront". He lives with his family in Alabama.

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