Vichy's Afterlife

Publié le par Richard J. Golsan

Vichy's AfterlifeOne of the distinctive features of the "Vichy Syndrome"—the persistence of the memory of the Vichy regime in French political and cultural life—is that it has been extremely difficult for an authoritative historical discourse to impose itself. Why does Vichy, and all that the name entails, fascinate and even obsess the French, inflecting not only discussions of the past but of the present as well?

In Vichy's Afterlife, Richard J. Golsan explores the complexities of some of the most provocative episodes of Vichy's curious persistence in France's national consciousness. He argues that each of these episodes, events, and scandals constitutes a crossroads where history and "counterhistory"—different or competing versions of the past—encounter one another, often with explosive and even destructive consequences.

Pub. Date: August 2002
Author :
Publisher: University of Nebraska Press
ISBN-13: 9780803270947
ISBN: 0803270941
Edition Description: New Edition


Golsan (French, Texas A&M U.) explores the Vichy Syndrome, the persistence of the memory of the World War II Vichy regime in French political and cultural life. He argues that each of the episodes, events, and scandals he describes is a crossroad where history and counterhistory<-->different or competing versions of the past<-->encounter one another, often with explosive and even destructive consequences.

Meet the Author

Richard J. Golsan is a professor of French at Texas A&M University and the author or editor of several books, including Fascism's Return (Nebraska 1997).

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